Step 1: Meet Application Requirements
– Current PSIA NRM membership.
– Actively teaching/coaching Telemark or Cross-Country Skiing within NRM.
– Telemark or Cross-Country Certified Level 3 instructor.
– PSIA-AASI Children Specialist 2 Credential.
Step 2: Submit Application
Submit cover letter and resume to Nordic Chair via email at nrm.nordic@gmail.com at least three weeks prior to NES Fall Training.
Step 3: Approval
The Nordic Committee will vote on the application for NES-IT. The applicant will be informed on the decision within two weeks of Fall Training.
Step 4: Sign Up for Training
It is required for IT to attend NES fall training. This can be done on the event calendar.
Cross Country / Telemark Education Team-IT are expected to:
- Attend training events
- Pursue mentorship opportunities from current education staff members
- Shadow certification assessments
- Attend/shadow educational clinics
- Seek out educational opportunities whether it be in house, divisional or national events.
- Keep in contact with their current discipline (Telemark or XC) chair and communicate regarding readiness to apply for a education staff position.
Step 1: Meet Application Requirements
– Become a Cross Country / Telemark Education Team-IT
– Shadow a Level I certification assessment
Step 2: Submit Application
Submit cover letter and resume to the appropriate discipline (Cross Country or Telemark) chair via email at nrm.nordic@gmail.com. Resume and cover letter should highlight training and event shadowing opportunities that the applicant has completed and their desire to work for NRM.
Step 3: Approval
The Cross Country or Telemark Education Team members will vote on the IT’s application for appointment to the education team. The applicant will be informed on the decision within two weeks.
Step 4: Employment
As a new hire education staff member, you will NOT be expected to lead assessments past Level I. At a minimum, it is required that you shadow a Level II/III assessment before being considered to work that type of event. The Cross Country / Telemark discipline chair will review your performance at educational events, as needed and will ensure that adequate steps are taken to assist with your success as a new education staff member!
– Sign up and attend Fall NES training
– Provide winter season availability for work at/before Fall meeting.
– Coaches and the Nordic Chair will evaluate your employment status yearly at the fall training.
If you choose to be inactive or have not been rehired as an NES-IT or NES, you must reapply for reinstatement by emailing the Nordic Chair. The current NES will vote on your reinstatement.
The Telemark and Cross Country Coaches will be selected every three years. Current staff will vote on whom they wish to be their coach. If there is a split decision, there will be a revote between the two highest candidates. If the vote is still inconclusive, the Nordic Chair will have the final decision.